Saturday, January 31, 2009


I've been posting to my other blog (but drafting them waiting on pix to add, I'm so far behind on crap).  I haven't been ignoring people.  I've just been extremely busy with other projects.  There's been a few days here and there that I haven't been online at all - can you believe it?  And then I had an anniversary come up and was put in a foul mood because of it.  The state sent me a big chunk of owed child support (he's paid on time, they just for some reason thought I was on assistance and kept some of the money... huh???).  After a few weeks of arguing and being a pain in their butt from here to Lansing, I got my money back.  I bought a new laptop with the money and upgraded it to 2 gigs ram.  The chips that came out of my new LT went into the other two laptops, so the boys got an upgrade.  I bought Ryan and I Photoshop Elements 6 - totally cool - and the Pinnacle Video Capture device - even cooler.  Ryan has taken multimedia classes and knows how to do all that stuff.  He's looking to make a few bucks, so if you need some stuff transferred he'll do it.  He can track it with chapters, add music, do some repairs.  He's really good and creative.  We can transfer VHS or the small Video 8 tapes.  It's been better around here with everyone wanting on computers and not getting their time.  We now have 4 here to divide amongst five teenagers and two adults.  I've added to my digital scrapbooking to raise more money for Eric's nephew who has cancer.  He's only 4.  Weather is a bit better so have been taking the little boys out more often and taking more walks.  Tyler usually goes with me.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to, besides a possible case of food poisoning.  I was up all last night and been in bed most of the day watching Netflix.  Now I have the hiccups that won't go away.  My back and ribs hurt already from being sick.  The hiccups aren't helping much.

Lions and Tigers and Thunderstorms - Oh, my!

Yeah, I'm a sucker for a thunderstorm.  Yesterday we had some come through and it's been raining off and on today.  We even had tornado watches last night.  Looking at the weather channel website, about 15 counties were under tornado warnings down in the area of Missouri.  It was funny that I was out on my walk yesterday when the storm finally hit, freaking Eric (who was with me) out 'cuz he's pretty frightened of lightning.  ROFLMAO!!  The close to a foot of snow we got for New Year's is long gone.  Not even the huge piles shoveled and plowed off the roads remain.  It's not time for some new stuff just yet.  I'm enjoying the green grass.  This has been the longest we've seen the green since Thanksgiving.  And with that mud smell that you get in March - wow.  It's wonderful, ain't it?  I'm waiting for Eric to come back from Flint - rain or shine - I'm going out walking, at least 2 miles if I can help it.  I'd rather be out working in this weather than at home inside.  Am I crazy?  What do you think??

Lions and Tigers and Thunderstorms - Oh, my!

Yeah, I'm a sucker for a thunderstorm.  Yesterday we had some come through and it's been raining off and on today.  We even had tornado watches last night.  Looking at the weather channel website, about 15 counties were under tornado warnings down in the area of Missouri.  It was funny that I was out on my walk yesterday when the storm finally hit, freaking Eric (who was with me) out 'cuz he's pretty frightened of lightning.  ROFLMAO!!  The close to a foot of snow we got for New Year's is long gone.  Not even the huge piles shoveled and plowed off the roads remain.  It's not time for some new stuff just yet.  I'm enjoying the green grass.  This has been the longest we've seen the green since Thanksgiving.  And with that mud smell that you get in March - wow.  It's wonderful, ain't it?  I'm waiting for Eric to come back from Flint - rain or shine - I'm going out walking, at least 2 miles if I can help it.  I'd rather be out working in this weather than at home inside.  Am I crazy?  What do you think??

Can’t Shake It

I'm sick again.  I finally started feeling better (despite being laid off - for that I am extremely disappointed and hiding how much very well).  Nick was up at 1am last night harfing all over the place.  While Eric tended to him I had to clean his room (the bedding, the bed, the wall, the floor).  Wow, what a mess.  Then I couldn't sleep, my heart aching for my little man in the next room struggling with some nasty coughing.  He's a snot machine, which is probably what made him throw up.  Eric went into work late this morning because of the cold temperatures and because he was up most of the night too.  It snowed like crazy for New Years.  They say we got about 10 inches.  Some places in my yard had 10 but some had less.  I shoveled the street because the road crews make such a nasty mess of it dodging our cars.  The last time I left snow around for them to plow it turned to ice and I slipped - one foot under the car and one foot in.  A car wedgey.  Not good and certainly not funny.  Anyhow, the temps dove into single digits since yesterday with highs nearing the low 20's.  Come Sunday they are saying we should have highs in the 50's.  All of that snow I shoveled out of the way will be whats left until it snows again.  It's piled up on the curb in this rock hard, icy, asphalt speckled nastiness.

Nick is sitting next to me curled up in a blanket watching CN while I blog and Claudine is sleeping under my right arm and on the corner of the laptop.  Nick passed this cruddy thing back to me so here we sit.  We have almost everything we need (kleenex, medicine, clear liquids, blankets, comfy couch, remotes).  Eric finally left for work so I have to wait until someone comes down from upstairs for them to wait on me.  I need someone to grab my phone and camera for me, lol.  I'm not getting up.  I can't breathe and I'm achey.

I think I will get up though.  I need my external where all of my photos and scrapgraphics are so I can play with those.  I have all of these drafted posts on the HTH blog just waiting on photos I haven't cropped.  Guess there's my silver lining.  As I sit here and look at that crazy shot of me in the blue shirt I have to think crazy so maybe I'll feel better.

Maybe I'll call one of those termite guys to tent our house and fog it with some heavy duty cold and flu medicine.

Ambition + Illness = Delirium

Flu Season Is Here

Yep, I'm sitting here at home when I should be at work.  I'm bored out of my mind, sore from throwing up all day yesterday and last night, and now I'm starved.  I know I'm losing weight, but this isn't how I planned to do it.  I'm also contemplating on cutting my bangs.  One day I want them long and go to grow them out, then I get stuck in the time when they are boring - too short for what I want but too long not to pull back.  So, as I look at the recent photo taken of me, I want them cut.  I'm freezing again, though about a half hour ago I wanted someone to shut the heat off.  Nick was supposed to go to the sitter still but Eric thought I was too helpless to be at home alone and stayed home too.  Glad he did.  I am bad when I'm sick.  Sometimes I don't know when to stop and take care of myself, then there's days I'm a big baby.  I pushed it last week, out working with a fever.  No wonder I'm out of it now.  I think I broke the seal though.  It's usually this way with me.  Come Thursday you'll hardly notice I was sick for the past 2 weeks.  Like a lightswitch.  I'm gonna go play with some scrapbooking pages now (and yell at Eric to go to the store for food - craving tomato soup and grilled cheese... too greasy?).

De Ja Day!

It's been a case of de ja vu all day today.  I did a route in Lapeer finally, partly made up of a route I never did and one I did for about 2 and a half years.  It was weird.  How things change or stay the same, and how some remembered me.  One guy said I was on the wrong side of the house, until I told him I "switched teams", and that's when he figured out who I was - the girl who they gave cinnamin rolls to and once pancakes, lol.  Hey, you leave without eating and end up with the munchies.  You burn the calories out there (but can end up eating them back if you don't watch it).  I also ran into the other company's reader, doing the route the same as I had left it years ago.  He said he liked it, one of his favorite routes and he liked how I had it set up, drive first, walk last.  There's a lot of walking on it since he covers more territory than I do.  I found myself standing in front of electric meters, not having to read them anymore.  I'm so used to reading both.  One of the things that made me happy was finding this old fat yellow lab that used to have only about 20 square feet for his kennel.  He was always unhappy.  I fed him leftover hashbrowns from Mickey's.  I kinda forgot about him until I came up to the house and saw that he had tons of space and shelter.  I actually got to pet him for a change.  Over 2 years seeing him in this cage month after month, locked up, but now he was obviously happy and you could tell he remembered me.  Such a sweety.  Yeah, you get to know the dogs and have your favorites.

I got report cards.  Josh is on the honor roll (no surprise).  Ryan is flunking English (again, also no surprise) and the school still won't give me Bill's because someone stole his lock.  It's principle now, why I don't pay for it.  Nick doesn't get a report card but he now says toybox really well and just told me "feet down coat off", in other words "mom, take your coat off the stool and put your feet down, I'm sitting here".  Funny boy.  What's even funnier is that I taught him to call Eric a monkey butt and he says it well.

Hello...zzzzz.... Um... Hi!!

I'm falling asleep on you guys!  Was a long day.  I went to work, as usual, walked about 7 miles, came home, slaved over dinner, took an MR for my knee and now can't stay awake!  I guess I'm not getting Halloween off HTH yet, now am I?  So not posting much here and nothing there.  Tomorrow I'm in Otisville, I'll be the lost one at Lakeville trying to find the like 14 meters that are on site (found only 8 last time).  Not a bad route, just long since it's one meter at a time at some point.  Tiresome when you are used to 800-1200 in a day instead of only 260, that still takes ya all day.  It is nice being in my car once in a while, though I do love the walking (despite my pouting later that I'm tired, or sore).  It's such a switch having 5 walkers and 15 drive routes to 15 walkers and 5 drives.  Well, I'm hitting the hay.